Well nobody in their right mind would count Monday would they?
I always rise early at some forgotten hour in darkness. I am anxious about the weekly weigh in to chart my progress as a weight watcher. Before you reach for the "unfollow" button or "get me outta here" link let me just say quickly I am making slow and steady progress to reduce this over sized mass into something more tenable. OK that's that you still here? Phew thanks.
Tuesday is important to me for several reasons. I have a small space to carry out the vital functions of "waking up" and "drinking tea". In my experience neither of these should be neglected otherwise your day can go pear-shaped before it ever gets off the ground. How's that for mixing your whatever they are?
My youngest son Merlot has been ordering in a number of parcels in the last week. Vin de Table has had the misfortune to take delivery of these at all hours between 10am and 4pm and wonders how he has managed to cope with the interrupted sleep. The truth became clearer last evening when Merlot said he was about to load the operating system and for the first time I saw this monstrous PC case with more fans than the cross channel hovercraft which sadly no longer "hovers". It has glowing blue LEDs and a rich red heart visible through the glass side. It is a thing of beauty in a house of mediocrity. He nonchalantly inserts the CD and I wait for the beeps to indicate that the mother-load is not connected to the thigh-bone thrusters...but nothing. A spin here and wisp of fan there and Windows 7 is indeed being loaded.
Being a parent is a rewarding activity interspersed with crises and drama. Children are an essential ingredient and my son who seemed not long ago incapable of tying his shoe-laces had built his own PC.
I glowed with pride. Not quite as brightly as the PC but then it's not as old as I am. My work here may not be done quite but it is becoming more and more inconsequential.
Have a good day.
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