I spend my days pushing a reluctant mouse on a compliant mat and muse over what could have been if I had met the girl who's father owned a brewery or managed 24 points on the treble chance (Football Pools to those under 30 years of age).
I dream of walks in the fresh air with the wind whipping across my deforested pate looking for Kathy and a proper bottle of IPA. I want a log fire and a subdued canine to nuzzle my ankles. I want a room to use for painting and drawing and another to set up a train set. I want a kitchen the size of a tennis court and the energy levels of a 15 year old.
I like making bread and eating it. I also like to start DIY tasks.
I feel that nobody understands me apart from those folk who are concerned because nobody understands them.
We'll get there I guess but will we know it when we arrive?
Around September 2017 my youngest son began trying out a vegetarian diet and whilst supporting him I began to reduce fairly drastically the amount of meats that I was consuming. I too became more or less vegetarian around September 2019.
From January 2020 I am engaging in the #veganuary scheme to try out the vegan diet etc for a calendar month.
All writing on this site is my own unless otherwise accredited. The works may not be copied or reproduced elsewhere without my express approval.